Here's a peek at our trip in the lovely color spectrum of Instagram pics:
Leah woke up with a fever Saturday morning, but after a looong nap she practiced -and got comfortable with - riding her new big girl bike.
Rora woke up later and also practiced on her smaller big girl bike.
Then we had the distinct pleasure of riding around on paved, city streets for several blocks. Listening to the girls scream in terror as their bikes rolled down a small incline was hilarious - no really, I could walk to keep up with them they were rolling so slowly. A few mini hills later and they were finally okay with it.
Followed by a backyard BBQ with my mom and her old man. I love eating outdoors!
Sat. night we celebrated this beauty's 27th birthday club hopping and riding around town in a limo. Crazy, fun night!! My feet are still blistered and aching from all the dancing. ;)
Of course these lovely blue eyes woke up with a fever on Sunday so we were stuck at home once again.
Then finally Monday, we got to visit this sweet little face! Such a good baby, so small (even though he started life at a whopping 9.5 pounds!) and just content with life and his mommy. He has little dimples when he smiles and makes the funniest series of faces while he's sleeping.
I love him! So excited to be an auntie!!
The girls of course loved him too and oohed and gooed and gave him lots of sweet forehead kisses. They tried to hold him but he's just a little too small yet.
My sister looks perfect after only 10 days - like she was never even pregnant! She'll make such a great momma!
We spent most of the next 3 days at my sister's but also took a break to play at the park, give big doggy kisses, make necklace shapes, take silly photos and snuck in a play date too.
The ride home was way too long with all the construction and detours from flooding. I suppose I shouldn't complain too much about the inconvenience since we are not the poor folks affected by the rising waters. It gets really scary when the natural disasters hit so close to home.
Please excuse me while I head back into my rose colored world.
Congrats on the new arrival - is this your first nephew? My SIL is due in nov and hoping for a nephew this time :-)
Congrats on Leah on the big girl bike I think i was about 8/9 before i could ride a bike lol!! Looks like you had a lovely little visit! TFS
Isn't it funny how we USED to mourn our old faded photos and now we seek apps to recreate the look? It's so TWISTED! These photos are fantastic- we can get regular shots anytime but I love the unpredictable and emotional nature of Instamatic. :)
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