December 2, 2010

Refashion: Sweater to Scarf + Leg Warmers

This is my little ballerina. Or some days she's a princess. "I'm sorry mom, I'm just a princess," she tells me with a shrug when she does something wrong - clearly this is enough of an explanation.

Anyway someone gave us a pretty knit, boucle sweater that was several sizes too large. Rather than save it, I combined it with some rosette fabric that you use to make baby blankets to make a scarf and used the arms of the sweater to make matching leg warmers.

Oops, I forgot the before pic!!

The leg warmers were easy peasy - just add elastic to the shoulder end of the sleeve.

The scarf was pretty simple too - just a few stretch issues as I was feeding it through the machine. On one side it's all the rosette material. I did not have enough sweater material for the entire reverse side and so added in the extra boucle to fill it out. It's just a little bulky but is sure to keep her warm and cozy this winter.

Are you ready for December weather yet?


Cheryl said...

super cute leg warmers!

Christina said...

ssooosssooooo cute!!!! love the leg warmers!

Heather said...

adorable...leg warmers are so cute!