November 18, 2010

1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Indians

Yesterday at preschool the teachers put on a Thanksgiving feast, and the kids dressed as either Pilgrims or Indians. I put together this little Indian headband for Leah to wear using a leather belt for the band, a bit of ribbon and some pheasant feathers. Placed on top of two braids, she played the part well.

 A couple pics from inside the classroom:

If you plan on making something similar for your child (or self!) or just need a couple moments of calm, I recommend heading over to Little Doe to check out the gorgeous nature inspired headpieces that seem to be popping up in every style magazine I see. It immediately takes me back to center.


Christina said...

ohmygosh!! she's sooo cute!!

Jessica said...

HOW CUTE! I can't wait for my daughter's "Thanksgiving feast". I'm sure it was adorable!

lisa truesdell said...


Sasha Farina said...

she is too adorable!! i wanna make one for myself!