September 1, 2010

Floral Ponytails

Just wanted to share these cute ponytails I whipped up yesterday morning while my little miss was taking her time eating breakfast. The flowers are made from this fantastic tute by not martha. You may recall I made several of these earlier this year (here, here and here) and its still one of my favorite projects. If you haven't already, you should definitely try it.

To attach the blossom to the elastic hairband, all you need to do is sew some embroidery thread around the metal attacher and through the felt on the back side of the flower. Cover the metal completely and to keep the thread in place, sew through the elastic at the beginning and end of the thread. Can't wait to send these to the daughters of one of my girl friends back home! She sent us a whole envelope full of pretty grosgrain and satin ribbon hair clips earlier this year so some reciprocity is well overdue.

On another note, I was too busy working on my Frock by Friday last night to post and regret to say it is not working out as planned. Turns out a men's size large shirt does not have enough material to make the JJ top I wanted to use in size 38. Bummer. Instead I finished the skirt and then used the shirt material that was already cut to make a little matching vest. I am thinking about using the sleeveless bodice from the coffee date dress in brown. The vest is a bit plain and I think the large ruffle will help contrast that. Now I just need to find the material.

Now back to work! ♥

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