June 28, 2011

at 27

27 has been a pretty good age so far.

Its still young, but I'm old enough to know better. Old enough to know when to hold my tongue and when to say no. And when to say yes because as you learn some opportunities won't come around again.

I feel like my word for this year - forward - has kept me propelling in the right direction and has helped to leave old memories in the past where they belong.

I'm really starting to recognize and appreciate my strengths. And my weaknesses, well yes, I'm not afraid to own up to those as well.

The place I'm in right now is nothing like I imagined 10 years earlier and that is just perfect. Because I love exactly where I am right now. I am so grateful where my experiences have taken me and can't wait to find out I'm going next.

Life is good. xx


Jacinta said...

YAY for you! 27 was a good year ... 28 was great too.
It's always fantastic when you know that you're happy with where you are and where you're going in life. xox

Unknown said...

Im 27 this year :-) its all fine your as old as you feel and i still think im 16!

Michelle Hernandez said...

Great page Sabrina. I'll have to check my blogger setting because I don't get updates when you post a new page- very strange. Happy 27th!